For the Czech Cochrane Center, the year 2023 was closely linked with the newly established National Institute for Healthcare Quality and Excellence (NIKEZ). It was presented at the first NIKEZ Conference on 16 -17 October 2023 at the Don Giovanni Hotel in Prague.
The primary activity of the methodological center NIKEZ is the optimization, development and sustainability of the national system of strengthening and evaluating the quality and safety of health services. Important tasks of NIKEZ include creation and coordination of the preparation of national recommended procedures, control over centers of highly specialized care, administration of departmental reference statistics and development of quality assessment systems.
You can view conference programme here.
You can view presentations, recordings of the sessions, and photographs here.
Cooperation with foreign experts
In addition to leading Czech experts, international experts in the field of Evidence-Based Healthcare (EHBC) spoke at the conference. Board member Emma Persad spoke for Cochrane.
Emma Persad has a background in molecular biology and laboratory research, but after starting her medical program she got a job at Cochrane Austria. She is also involved in the production of Cochrane Reviews, with research and outreach for the Rapid Reviews Methods Group.
You can view Emma Persad´s presentation here.
You can view recordings of Emma Persad´s presentation here.
Ceremonial opening of international centers
Part of the second conference day was the ceremonial opening of the international centers Cochrane Czech Republic (České Cochrane centrum), Czech Republic: A JBI Center of Excellence (Czech JBI center of excellence) and Czech GRADE Network (Czech network of GRADE centers) at NIKEZ. "The NIKEZ Methodological Center closely cooperates with world leaders in the field of creating systematic reviews, recommended procedures and operative recommendations, which is necessary to fulfill the role of methodological support for the creation of quality recommended procedures and operative recommendations," said Miloslav Klugar, head of the NIKEZ Methodological Center.